The Program

On the Path Health is here to help you develop optimal lifestyle habits through a holistic wellness program. Our protocols are data-driven, tested, and recommended by experts to help you reach your goals.

On the Path Health is for you if you are looking for a science-backed wellness program that provides daily support and creates sustainable change. Throughout your journey, our staff is there to educate, encourage, and engage you as you build new, healthy habits.

We help you create effective behavior change, empowering your success long after you finish the 9 week On the Path Health program.

We focus on the four pillars of health:


Sustainable nutrition advice helps you thrive in all areas of life.


Enjoyable movement practices optimize your health in the long term.

Stress Management

Meditation and mental health care techniques help reduce overall stress.


Improved sleeping habits leave you refreshed and energetic.

Our Mission:

Teach: Teach the best practices for nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep

Support: Help you modify your lifestyle habits and build community

Impact: Positively impact your health and increase your lifespan

Join the Waitlist
  • Trial Participant 6
    “The program was full of information, great advice, and encouragement!”
    Trial Participant 6
  • Trial Participant 5
    “I’ve been trying to lose weight for 5 years, and couldn’t stick with a diet for any length of time... My energy level has doubled, and I am looking forward to a better life!”
    Trial Participant 5
  • Trial Participant 4
    “I feel great after completing the program.”
    Trial Participant 4
  • Trial Participant 3
    "I loved everything about the program! It was so helpful, and filled with great information!"
    Trial Participant 3
  • Trial Participant 2
    “I’ve been trying to lose weight for 5 years, and couldn’t stick with a diet for any length of time. I’ve lost 18 pounds. My energy level has doubled, and I am looking forward to a better life!”
    Trial Participant 2
  • All Trial Participants
    "100% called the program high quality"
    All Trial Participants